Monday, April 25, 2011

Dear Diary, (Amnesty)

Dear Diary,
            All I can see is momma cryin' and layin on the rock saying to herself, "I'm waiting to come back home.." What am i supposed to think about that? I grew up without my father. But the fact that he is so dedicated to the antiapartheid movement, makes me admire him and want to learn more about him. My mother tells me that he went to jail because he wanted more for my family, he wanted us to get land, money, maybe some more hope in the world. Mother tells me everyday that he is such a beautiful man. The first day he came home, i remember being so afraid of him. he was a big man, a very big man with town clothes, polished shoes, i mean i was only six years old! When you're apart of the Antiapartheid movement, you do not know where you'll be, or what will come.  I know that i am proud of him, he even got to name me, and i do love my name, i really do. I wish i could know who he is, i miss him, a lot. I don't know when i'll meet him for real, but i hope it's soon. I can tell all my friends that my father is the one who helped us become who we are today, free. When he comes back, i'm not going to hold back, i'm going to run up to him, and give him a big hug, and tell him. Papa, I am so proud of you and i love you! But that's all i can write today, momma's coming back and i'm going to help her with the farm and feed the cattle.
p.s<3 i really hope he comes home soon, i pray every night he does.
                                                                                                                  See ya later!
                                                                                                                     - Inkululeko

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