Monday, February 7, 2011

What Horror To Awake At Night by Lorine Niedecker

What horror to awake at night
and in the dimness see the light.
Time is white
mosquitos bite
I've spent my life on nothing.

The thought that stings. How are you, Nothing,
sitting around with Something's wife.
Buzz and burn
is all I learn
I've spent my life on nothing.

I'm pillowed and padded, pale and puffing
lifting household stuffing -
carpets, dishes
benches, fishes
I've spent my life on nothing.

I think this means a women who goes through so much with her husband
and he possibly could of had an affair with someone's wife. He stabs her in
 the back and she feels like nothing. She's done so much, she has cleaned,
cooked, fought, and loved, for nothing.