Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Book 22 of the Illiad

1.  Achilles insults Hector by not giving his body back to the Trojans if Hector dies and Achilles refuses to give Hector an honorable funeral, instead he ties up his body and drags him across Troy.

2.  Hector's character in this excerpt shows his flaws.  He runs away from Achilles after he kills Achilles best friend and that shows fear. Hector also faces Achilles, which shows either his bravery and courage. 

3.   In the excerpt Zeus was thinking if he should or shouldn't save Hector's life.  Athena convinces her father, Zeus, not to change fate for whatever reason, "whatever happens for a reason." Her words in the end change Hector's life, he dies because of her.  Apollo o helps Hector by helping him run away from Achilles.

4.  The way Achilles treated Hector's corpse was not right at all.  Hector promised to treat Achilles corpse with respect and return it to the Greeks, the least Achilles could do would be the same and respect Hector. But instead Achilles ties up his body and drags him across the dirt, Achilles had no right.

5.  I believe that Homer  included Priam's and Hecuba's reactions to Achilles' treatment of their son's body to show how much Hector's parents cared about him and to show that parents do care about there little ones and the fact to lose someone is a sorrow affection.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis, Chelsea. Watch some of your diction: sorrow rather than sorrowful affection.

    Ms. R
