1. Nora is now more anxious and worried than she was in Act 1. Nora believes that Torvald would never find out her secret, but now that he is firing Krogstad so that Mrs.Linde can work, she's more afraid and more protective over her lie.
- Nora tells and begs Torvald to let Krogstad keep his job.
- Krogstad wants to letter to get Nora introuble and for him to keep his job
- Mrs.Linde writes him a note and wants to talk with him to change his mind.
3. The "miracle" might be that Torvald will give Krogstad his job and Nora's secret wont be blurted out. Another "miracle" I thought might be was that Krogstad might've not put the letter in the mail for Torvald to See.
4. Krogstad says that Torvald has, "forced me back to my old ways." Torvald is not really responsible for his actions because it's basically all Nora's fault in the first place. Krogstad knows what Nora did and he's using that against her because he doesn't want to lose his job and he will do whatever it takes to keep it. The reason why he is losing his job is because of Nora's begging to help find Mrs.Linde a job.
6.If Nora wasn't so stubborn and accepted help from Rank, I feel like Nora and Torvald would be okay. Nora keeping a hgue secret is driving her crazy. Torvald could most likely be very appreciative for Nora becaue she saved his life knowing that she could get in serioustrouble by forgeing her father's signature. If she let Rank help, she would've been out of this mess a long time ago.
8. I think people can learn for Ibsen's portryal of Nora and Torvald's relationship by learning how to trust and communicate. For love, you'd do anything to make it work. It shows that being secretive can and will get you in trouble. Be loyal, and share money. Love your life and your familly. "Fight for what you love."
Chelsea's Blog Spot
Monday, May 16, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Doll House Questions for Act 1
1. My thoughts towards the end of the story were crazy. There was a lot of shady lies, and going behind each other's backs to make someone happy. I thought that Nora was such a money spender.
- The good news is that Torvald is the new bank manager.
- Nora raised the money by forging her father's signature on a bank loan after he passed away.
- Krogstad threatened Nora because he doesn't want to lose his job and since Nora's husband is the manager of Krogstad, he will do anything it takes to keep his job.
3. Nora is Torvald's whipped wife. She does everything and anything for Torvald. He calls her little names like a squirrell and some type of bird, i think its a "little lark." Shes money hungry and she always wants to be in control of everything but she can't. Torvald knows that she spends her money constantly and that's why she get's mad that she can't spend the money. When Torvald isn't present, she becomes shady and talks about things that she hasn't even had the guts to tell Torvald.
4. Nora's strenght is her children...Other than that, she has none. She spends her money easily, she let's her husband control her, and she lies. She is so shady that she has no strengths. It's all weaknesses.
5. Mrs. Linde might be a foil towards Nora because they are the complete opposite and have different beliefs. Nora thinks it's okay to constantly spend money and she thinks that it is okay to keep a secret from her husband, unlike Mrs. Linde who would die to have her money saved to support herself and her family. Mrs. Linde tells Nora that she should be lucky she has a husband, a husband that will work, has children. Mrs. Linde is widowed with no money and no children.
7. Fear is an obsticle that prevents people from understanding what is going on in their own lives. Or the fact that they're too wraped up into their ownselves to even think about their significant other. In Nora's case, she did something that most women would do if their husbands were dying. She took money out of the bank, forgeing her father's signature. She doesn't seem to think that spending money is a problem, but her husband does and she doesn't see why. She could be saving money for her children instead of spending it on foolish junk.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Nora from the Doll House

Nora is a woman who is known as a "spendthrift" she is so money hungry and everytime she has money she has to spend it. She is always obedient to her Husband Torvald who likes to think of her as a "sweet little lark" and a squirrel. She is very annoying and talks a lot. She thinks she can be in charge but can't, for example, she wants to be the one to take care of the money, but really it's the husband that does so. She loves her family and only wants the best for them. Well i don' know what else to write, that's all i can think of.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Childhood Memory
I remember in sixth grade i become so angry at a girl because she always thought she was better than everyone else. She used to be my best friend growing up, we were inseparable. Then one day at recess she really got me mad so i threw a basketball at her head. I got detention for it, and i knew it wasn't the right thing to do. I was an angry kid growing up because of the way my parents acted towards me. After i sat and thought about what i did i went to her and apologized and explained to her why i was so upset. I personally don't think it was all my fault. I don't blame my parents either. I blame the way i handle things. But now i know how to control myself and speak up. I'm not afraid to talk and i don't hold everything in. That's all i can really remember.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Dear Diary, (Amnesty)
Dear Diary,
All I can see is momma cryin' and layin on the rock saying to herself, "I'm waiting to come back home.." What am i supposed to think about that? I grew up without my father. But the fact that he is so dedicated to the antiapartheid movement, makes me admire him and want to learn more about him. My mother tells me that he went to jail because he wanted more for my family, he wanted us to get land, money, maybe some more hope in the world. Mother tells me everyday that he is such a beautiful man. The first day he came home, i remember being so afraid of him. he was a big man, a very big man with town clothes, polished shoes, i mean i was only six years old! When you're apart of the Antiapartheid movement, you do not know where you'll be, or what will come. I know that i am proud of him, he even got to name me, and i do love my name, i really do. I wish i could know who he is, i miss him, a lot. I don't know when i'll meet him for real, but i hope it's soon. I can tell all my friends that my father is the one who helped us become who we are today, free. When he comes back, i'm not going to hold back, i'm going to run up to him, and give him a big hug, and tell him. Papa, I am so proud of you and i love you! But that's all i can write today, momma's coming back and i'm going to help her with the farm and feed the cattle.
p.s<3 i really hope he comes home soon, i pray every night he does.
See ya later!
- Inkululeko
All I can see is momma cryin' and layin on the rock saying to herself, "I'm waiting to come back home.." What am i supposed to think about that? I grew up without my father. But the fact that he is so dedicated to the antiapartheid movement, makes me admire him and want to learn more about him. My mother tells me that he went to jail because he wanted more for my family, he wanted us to get land, money, maybe some more hope in the world. Mother tells me everyday that he is such a beautiful man. The first day he came home, i remember being so afraid of him. he was a big man, a very big man with town clothes, polished shoes, i mean i was only six years old! When you're apart of the Antiapartheid movement, you do not know where you'll be, or what will come. I know that i am proud of him, he even got to name me, and i do love my name, i really do. I wish i could know who he is, i miss him, a lot. I don't know when i'll meet him for real, but i hope it's soon. I can tell all my friends that my father is the one who helped us become who we are today, free. When he comes back, i'm not going to hold back, i'm going to run up to him, and give him a big hug, and tell him. Papa, I am so proud of you and i love you! But that's all i can write today, momma's coming back and i'm going to help her with the farm and feed the cattle.
p.s<3 i really hope he comes home soon, i pray every night he does.
See ya later!
- Inkululeko
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Apartheid in South Africa
Apartheid in South Africa

democratically elected President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.
“Apartheid is an Afrikaans word meaning “apart” or “separate,” and one of the first pieces of apartheid legislation was the Group Areas Act of 1950, which segregated living spaces, concentrating whites in the cities and forcing people of color into rural areas or the urban fringes.” In addition to separating
whites from nonwhites, apartheid also separated different races. Whites and nonwhites held different jobs, lived in different regions, and were subject to different levels of pay, education, and health care. Apartheid paid no attention to former social or residential status, dividing people up by color.
When nonwhites were pushed out of the urban areas, most of them were shuffled into “Bantustans”, or “African homelands.” Because they were made citizens of the Bantustans, black South Africans were not allowed to participate in the government of South Africa, and were forced to carry passes and obey curfew laws if they wanted to travel outside of their homelands. The homelands were also established on land which was largely unusable, and were heavily reliant on South Africa for assistance. “Along the fringes of the cities, Africans lived in massive, terrible slums, often separated from their families because only one family member could get a permit to live in the city.”
“Nelson Mandela, along with many others, is a member of the African National Congress, a group which worked to abolish apartheid. He joined right before the Second World War, and was part of a major push to make the African National Congress a national movement, incorporating ethics of nonviolent resistance, strikes, and mass civil disobedience to fight for equal rights.” In 1952, he was tried in court for participating in the Campaign of Just Defiance, and given a suspended sentence. He spent time in and out of prison throughout the 1950s and became an attorney to help blacks who had been “expelled under apartheid.”
In 1960, the African National Congress was banned, and Mandela was one of the founding members of Umkhonto we Sizwe, a violdent civil rights organization. His membership was short, however; in 1962, after traveling out of the country to speak about the situation in South Africa and receive military training, Mandela was imprisoned for life, and not released until 1990. The African National Congress was reformed in 1991, as apartheid began to be apart, and Mandela was elected President of the organization, going on to take office as President of South Africa in 1994, serving through 1999.
The whites also realized that the only way that this state of affairs could continue was to set up a separate society where education and advancement was made practically impossible. Naturally you don't want these creatures to live among you so you also house them a respectable distance away, but not so far that they could not get to work for you and be paid a small amount. Racial segregation had been in force for many decades in South Africa. When the Union of South Africa was formed on 31 May 1910, Afrikaner Nationalists were given a relatively free hand to re-organize the country's franchise according to existing standards of the now-incorporated Boer republics, the “Zuid Afrikaansche Repulick (ZAR - South African Republic or Transvaal) and Orange Free State. Non-Whites in the Cape Colony had some representation, but this would prove to be short-lived.”
Citation :
Carter, Cale. "The History of Apartheid in South Africa." Student Information. 1995. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. <http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~cale/cs201/apartheid.hist.html>.
Friday, April 1, 2011
my inspiration ;; the one who has helped me through everything.

My Inspiration;; Dolores Carmen Roderick
My Grandmother<3
It may sound a bit corny but my Portuguese, Catholic grand-mother is the one person who helped me become who I am today. Nana is truthfully an elegant, strong woman. I am fortunate to come from a large, extended family that has inspired me in different ways and at different times in my life, to become a wonderful strong individual. It is more recently that I have thought about who has influenced me the most.
My grand-mother, Dolores Carmen Roderick, is the most influential person in my life. Over the last six years, although she has had seven cancers and a tumor, she never gave up. Instead, she kept trying to get healthy again. Her positive attitude and her determination have helped her to fight off all those cancers and become healthy again. Nana believes that no person is better than another. She believes we are all the same even though we have our differences. Nana tells me to never give up and to never stop trying; she only wants me to succeed. People know her as the strong woman with the kind heart who never gives up and always keeps her faith; she is loved by everyone.
Nana held my hand when things were tough. For example, every since my parents divorced, I’ve been so disrespectful towards my father. I disobeyed his rules, talked back, and generally ignored him. I explained my issues about him never listening to me to Nana, and she said, “Chelsea, your father only wants you to succeed in life; he’s trying to make sure you have a happy life. It may be stressful, and you feel like you want to give up, but keep your head up and smile because you have the best parents in your life that created you.” I’ll never forget those words. Nana is the one person I can count on, the person I can speak to about pain, guilt, and happiness. She is my best friend. I know that when she passes I will always have her thoughts of wisdom with me and I hope that when I grow old, I’m going to be just like her. I love you Nana.
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