After Sinbad had a safe boat ride home, he arrives to his house. There he finds a letter from the Merchants saying the diamonds were stolen and they need his help because he is the only man who knows where to find the diamonds. Sinbad is so aggravated because he just arrived back home, but on the other hand he is so excited to take another adventure. Since he spent time with the big bird, Roc, he learns a call that will make the roc appear. He makes the bird call and the roc soars through sky into Baghdad. Sinbad sees the bird and calls one more time and roc took its landed two feet away from Sinbad's house. Sinbad ties a long swing to the birds talons and flies back to where the Merchants are. Once he arrives he notices that there are three other rocs there with the Merchants on them. From there, Sinbad leads the way to the steep valley where the beautiful diamonds were. Once they have landed, one of the Merchants went to go grab a diamond, Sinbad yelled, "No don't do tha...!" Right before he could finish, the Merchant got terribly bit by a snake and then died. So that leaves two Merchants and Sinbad. After Sinbad showed them how to approach the snakes with slow intentions, they finally got the diamond in the bag. They returned to the roc's and flew away, but while each roc was taking off, one of the rocs crashed into a large cave and fell and landed on top of the merchant and took his life away. Now this leaves Sinbad and one merchant. After a few minutes of turbulence, they land safely. The merchant became very selfish and demanded all the diamonds. Sinbad argued and took his share, the merchant went after him but the roc that Sinbad became friendly with knocked him over and the merchant hit his head on a log and died. So in the end, because of Sinbad's generosity, he gets more diamonds and a knowledge of how to take a lead of an amazing adventure. He then learns that he can become friendly with a roc. The roc flies him home and the roc agreed to stay to be his transportation. And this is where Sinbad's life becomes amazing and untouchable. Nobody believed his story, but he didn't care. He knows what is true and what isn't true.